Pokemon Fire Red Slide ROM Download [2023 GBA Patched]

Pokemon Fire Red Slide ROM Download [2023 GBA Patched]
Full Name Pokemon Fire Red Slide
Console GameBoy Advance
Publisher Game Freak
Developer TeamAquasHideout
Region Global
Genre Role Playing
File size 5.01 MB
Released October 8, 2022
Downloads 18357
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Kanto Region is completely frozen with ice. Now, living in this region is difficult for players to fight against monsters. So, Download the Pokemon Fire Red Slide edition with additional modifications. This is the modified ROM with endless difficulties and quests. Hence, have a new gameplay experience.

Hacks in games are usually used to easier the gameplay. However, ROM hacks are different compared to other hacks of games. Because ROM hacks offer modifications in the ROM. Thus, this page provides information about a unique hack with unique modifications.

What is Pokemon Fire Red Slide ROM?

Pokemon Fire Red Slide Game is a GBA ROM Hack. This GBA is specially developed to enhance difficulty levels of ROM. So, find difficult movement challenges and much more quests. Additionally, find fan-based alterations in the GBA. This is the improved edition of Pokémon FireRed. Hence, playing this FireRed ROM hack will be exciting.

The sliding gameplay of Pokemon ROMs is loved by players. So, these same features are also added in the Emerald. Therefore, try Pokemon Emerald Slide ROM to enjoy the same features. But, players will get information about FireRed modifications on this page. Hence, stay to get complete information.

Pokemon ROMs are fun to play and entertaining for players. So, there are multiple ROMs are introduced with core Pokemon updates. Although, multiple Pocket monster ROMs are introduced. But, each ROM offers limited changes for the players. Basically, the main theme of updated ROMs is quite the same. 

Pocket Monster GBA editions are released for every age player. Therefore, the difficulty levels of GBA RPG ROMs are low. So, playing GBA ROMs is quite boring for adult players. However, fans of every age still play these GBA editions. But, playing GBA editions without challenges is useless. Thus, stay to explore a challenging GBA fan-modified edition.

FireRed Pocket Monster GBA is a third Core Pokemon ROM. So, the difficulty levels are also low as any other monster ROM. Recently, the Pokemon Fire Red Slide GBA is introduced. So, this fan-based modified GBA is the best option. Because it allows additional challenges in the gameplay. Hence, playing the modified GBA will be thrilling for trainers. 


The Gameplay of the altered ROM is not changed. So, players will experience pocket monster original gameplay. However, there are unique alterations added to the gameplay. Thus, players will start the journey to become the best Pokemon trainer. And the journey will be full of hardships and obstacles. 

The sliding Pocket Monster edition is quite hard to play. So, the character will slide instead of walking in specific locations. After entering in sliding location controlling characters will be hard. Because the character won’t stop until it is collied with an optical. Hence, completing gameplay on a sliding surface will be hard and fun.

The rivals are the same in the modified GBA edition. So, players will get Eight Gym Leaders, Elite Four, and Championship rivals in the gameplay. Therefore, defeating all these opponents is compulsory to complete the game. Hence, have unlimited fun with modified gameplay.


Although, the gameplay of ROM is not changed. However, there are additional quests added for players. So, get unique fan-edited quests in the gameplay and have endless fun. Added quests are not compulsory. Hence, players can complete the game without completing these added quests.

Additional Changes

The altered ROM offers endless modifications for players. Although, some main suggestions are provided above. But, much more is available in this Mod ROM. Additionally, improvements in the tiles are also added. So, players will get quality graphics in the gameplay. Hence, players will have better gameplay.

The environment is completely modified in this Slide MOD ROM. So, the sunny day is altered by the Sowny environment. Hence, enjoy playing in snow falling environment. Additionally, download the altered GBA ROM to explore more features.

Screenshots of Game

How to Download Pokémon Fire Red Slide GBA ROM?

In order to download the modified ROM no need to search on other websites. Because this website provides a simple Mod ROM downloading. So, players only need to click on the ROM download button and start downloading process. Hence, no need to waste time on the web anymore.

Players find ROM patching process difficult. Because without the patching process, ROM hacks can’t be added to the ROM. Therefore, this website provides pre-patched ROM. So, players only need to download ROM cheats and start playing. The patching process is no longer required.

Main Features

  • New and Latest FireRed Hack
  • Get New Challenging Gameplay
  • Sliding Puzzles
  • No Walking Character
  • Improved Graphics
  • Changed Environment
  • Pokemon Appearance Changed
  • Quests Added
  • Additional Improvements 
  • Many More


How to Patch Pokémon Fire Red Slide ROM?

We are here with the Pre-Patched ROM.

How to Download Pre-Patched Pokémon Fire Red Slide ROM?

Get the Pre-Patched ROM from the download section.

How to Download Pokémon Fire Red Slide 3DS CIA?

Find the CIA File in the download section.


Pokemon Fire Red Slide Download to experience a snowy environment FireRed Pokemon edition. So, this altered edition offers some advanced-level modifications. Hence, players will have ultimate fun with Pokemon. Additionally, more unique altered ROMs are available on this website. 

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