Pokemon Amalgamation of Emerald GBA ROM Download [2023]

Pokemon Amalgamation of Emerald GBA ROM Download [2023]
Full Name Pokemon Amalgamation of Emerald
Console GameBoy Advance
Publisher Game Freak
Developer koopa990
Region Global
Genre Role Playing
File size 6.55 MB
Released July 11, 2022
Downloads 20922
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The double battle system in Pokemon GBA requires certain circumstances. Therefore, Download Pokemon Amalgamation Of Emerald with advanced-level modification. This modified edition offers a Double battle system, more monsters, and much more. Hence, players will have exclusive gameplay of modifications.

Pokemon ROMs offer certain types of features in special circumstances. Therefore, such features are hard to access by normal players. Creating special circumstances is a special trick used to unlock new levels of ROMs. However, modified GBA ROMs allow players to access special features. Hence, stay to know about a new ROM hack.

What is Pokemon Amalgamation of Emerald ROM?

Pokemon Amalgamation Of Emerald Game is a GBA ROM hack. This hack offers endless modifications and the base game used is Pokemon Emerald. Thus, enhanced the battle system, characters, monsters, items, and much more. This GameBoy Advanced hack offers special game features. Hence, the gameplay will be exciting compared to the official one.

ROMSFORGBA.COM is the best store for ROM hacks. Therefore, various Emerald modifications are available on this site. So, interested players can also try the Pokemon Emerald Chaos Ambulation. Although, this is a popular modified edition. But, this page is all about the latest available ROM hack. Hence, stay on this page to learn all about it.

GBA Pokemon ROMs are Role-playing games. Therefore, player’s actions during the gameplay affect the end results. Similarly, upcoming events are directly connected with the selected route of players. Therefore, some events are only available after certain actions. Hence, these were not mostly discovered by players.

Special quests are hard to find directly on official ROMs. Therefore, players prefer to get hacked ROMs. Because these modifications provide easier access to the available quests. Thus, get details about the latest available modified GBA ROM.

Pokemon Amalgamation Of Emerald GBA is the latest available modified version. This version offers players to experience endless modifications and improvements. Therefore, players will enjoy fun gameplay with multiple changes. Hence, get details related to the modifications added below.

Double Battle

The main modified feature of this edition is the Dual battle system. This system is officially not available in Emerald. But, this mod version offers the best dual battle system for monster trainers. Therefore, start with a combination of multiple monsters. Hence, trainers will have a fun gameplay experience with a dual battle system.

In the dual system, players can use two monsters during battles. Hence, opponents will also have dual monsters. Therefore, players should use powerful pocket monster combinations. This will provide higher battle-winning chances for players. Addtionally, during battles monsters will use turns to attack and defend.

In the previous ROM hack, players were encountering problems with the battle system. But, this page is about the latest modified version. Therefore, the bug is fixed for players. So, using this amazing dual system of battle is easy for everyone. Hence, enjoy battling with monsters without any bugs.


Any altered edition is incomplete without improvements in the Pocket creatures. Thus, find the largest collection of creatures in this mod. In this mod edition, find creatures added from higher generations. Thus, building a strong team of pocket creatures will be easy. Hence, capture high-level monsters and have fun gameplay in this mod.


NPCs of the Emerald ROM are enhanced in this GBA cheat. So, existing characters will perform more tasks such as communication and more. Thus, interacting with available NPCs will be exciting. Hence, find all available characters and interact to have a better gameplay experience.


This GBA cheat offers enhanced PokéMart Items. So, trainers will get higher-generation items. Additionally, rare candies are also available in Pokemart. However, available rare candies are expensive. Therefore, finding candies in the field is a better option. Hence, avoid purchasing rare candies from Pokemart until it is necessary.

Pokémon Eevee

Pokémon Eevee is available as a gift in the hacked GBA. Therefore, meet with the NCP before the first rival battle. This NPC will provide you with Pokemon Eevee. After this, players will have two monsters for dual battle in the first rival battle. Hence, do not forget to interact with the NPC before the battle.

NPCs available in the mod version provide items and monsters. Thus, interacting with all characters will be profitable. Additionally, there are more modifications available. Hence, the best option to explore all is to download the mod GBA ROM. Thus, get details related to downloading below.

Screenshots of Game

How to Download Pokémon Amalgamation of Emerald GBA ROM?

The updated version of GBA cheats is bug-free. But, ROM cheats are hard to find on the internet. Therefore, this website offers a one-click cheat downloading process. Hence, searching the internet for cheats is not necessary. Just, click on the GBA cheat download button on this page and start downloading.

The patching process of GBA cheats requires multiple files. Thus, players find it difficult to patch GBA cheats. But, no need to worry about the cheat patching process. Because this website offer pre-patched Cheats. Hence, players only need to download patched cheats and start playing. No need to go through the cheat patching process.

Main Features

  • Latest Updated Emerald ROM Hack
  • Get Double Battle System 
  • More Pokémon
  • Fixed All Bugs
  • Changes In Trainers
  • Rare Candy Added
  • Unique Gameplay
  • Many More


How to Patch Pokémon Amalgamation of Emerald ROM?

We are here with the Pre-Patched ROM.

How to Download Pre-Patched Pokémon Amalgamation of Emerald GBA ROM?

You can download the pre-patched ROM from the download section.

How to Download Pokémon Amalgamation of Emerald 3DS CIA?

You can also download the 3DS CIA from the download section.


Pokemon Amalgamation Of Emerald Download to enjoy all available modifications. Although, complete details are provided on this page. However, the right way to enjoy is to download and play. Hence, get the modified Pokemon edition and enjoy. Addtionally, more similar editions are available on this website. Thus, keep following for more content.

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