Pokemon FireRed v1.0 GBA ROM

Pokemon FireRed v1.0 GBA ROM
Full Name Pokemon FireRed 1.0
Console GameBoy Advance
Publisher Nintendo
Developer Game Freak
Region Europe, United Kingdom, United States
Genre Role Playing
File size 5.01 MB
Released September 7, 2004
Downloads 65861
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These days finding previous editions of games is quite hard for anyone. So, today we are here with Pokemon FireRed for you all, which is one of the most popular editions of the Pokemon Series.

As you know there is a wide number of games available on the internet, which provides unique features. So, we are here with one of the best games of all time for you all.

What is Pokemon FireRed ROM?

Pokemon FireRed 1.0 is a GBA ROM, which is introduced by the Pokémon Company and Nintendo. The ROM is a Game for GameBoy Advance, which is quite popular all over the globe.

There are multiple improved versions of the game available such as Pokemon Mega Evolution. But the problem is to find a clear ROM, which you can find below.

There are some of the largest collections of features available for users, which anyone can explore. So, today we are going to provide all the important information here to you all.

The game is specially developed for GBA Consoles, which is an 8-bit handheld consoles for gaming. It was introduced by Nintendo, which was quite popular in the late 90s.

So, the game was developed for the GBA consoles, which is also a series of Pokémon Games. There are some amazing games introduced before Fire Red.

But FireRed was one of the most popular games, which gain more popularity. Millions of people all over the globe started playing this amazing game.

It is a Role-Playing Game, which provides a unique third-person gaming experience for the players. There are multiple features available for the players to explore.

So, if you want to know about the game, then stay with us for a while. Here on RomsForGba will get all relative information about the game, which you can access.

Pokemon FireRed 1.0 Game Story

As with any Role-playing game, here is also a unique story. The story is all about the relationship between humans and Pokémon.

The Pokémon or Pocket Monsters are creatures with unique fighting abilities. In the world of Pokemon, humans and Pocket monsters live together.

So, this edition game is all about a boy, who lives in a small town ‘pallet Town’. A beautiful town with a limited number of houses and is surrounded by trees.

Here the boy lives with his mother and has fun. One day the boy, started to explore the town, which is full of grass.

But before the boy reaches the grass, a man stops him. Professor Oak was the man, who stops the boy from going into the grass.

The professor brings the boy to the lab, where he provides Pokémon. There are three options of monsters available, where a boy can select anyone.

Here the grandson of the Professor is also available, who is the rival of the boy. So, he will also get the first Pokémon with the boy.

The Professor gives him a simple task to make a delivery in another town. The boy has to reach the city and complete the task.

Once he completed the task, then Pro Oak will provide the Pokedex to the boy and grandson. An amazing machine, which can store all information related to the monsters.

So, here the boy will start the journey, where he has to get Pokémon and train them. Battle against other trainers and fight against bad people.

The main goal of the boy is to become the best Trainer, which isn’t hard. But if you help him, then he can become the best trainer of all time.

Pokemon FireRed 1.0 Gameplay

The gameplay is all about becoming the best Pokémon Trainer of all time. So, your game will start your game in pallet Town, where you have to get your first monster.

So, here you have to start with capturing pokemon and battles with trainers. You will find multiple types of monsters in the grass, which will attack you.

Here you will get main two options, which are RUN and Fight. So, get information related to these options below.


If you want to leave the fight, then you can select this option. It won’t affect your gameplay, which means you can run away from any fight with Monsters.


The fight option will start the battle with the Pokémon, where both monsters fight. So, you can select the move, which you want to use.

There are health bars available, through which you can know about the health of another monster. Try not to fight with low HP, which can affect your EXP.

If you won any match, then you will get EXP, but there is another feature. You can also capture Pokemon, which is quite easy for anyone.

Here you will find five Poke-Balls in the game. At the initial stage, Professor Oak provides you with five normal balls, through which you can capture any normal monster.

But you cannot capture powerful monsters easily. So, you have to battle and reduce the strength of Pokémon, then you can easily capture it.

There are multiple activities, which you have to perform to increase your gaming skills. So, we are going to share some of them with you all below.


Start battling with wild Pokemon, which are low in levels. So, you can easily beat them or capture them. If you beat them, then your fighting Pokémon EXP will be high.

But if you want to capture it, then the EXP level won’t increase. So, you can capture some of the best and start training with the wild Pokémon.

Gym Leaders

Fighting against the Gym leaders will be difficult at the initial stage. But you can train more and upgrade the levels, through which the battles will be quite easy for you.

The Rocket is also a bad team, which hurts Pokémon. So, you also have to battle and defeat them. Enhance your skills and easily defeat any opponent in the battle.


As you know it is an offline game, where you will get all NPCs in the game. But here you will also find multiple NPCs with special quests for you.

So, you can get information and also explore more unique quests. There are multiple types of NPCs available, which you can find in the game.

Pokemon Abilities and Moves

The more battle, you will enhance the abilities of your monster. So, you have to keep increasing the levels, through which the abilities will be automatically increased.

Similarly, your Pokémon can learn four moves at a time. But there are more moves available in the game, which your monster can learn.

But you have to remove any other move. So, you have to remove any less used move and learn the new one. There are multiple moves, which you can learn and enjoy battles.

These are some of the features, but there are many more available for the users. So, if you want to explore more, then you should start playing it.

Screenshots of Game Pokemon FireRed

How to Download Pokémon FireRed Clean ROM 1.0?

We are here with the clean ROM for you all, which anyone can easily download from this page. So, if you want to enjoy gaming, then download it from this page.

You need to find the download button, which is provided at the top and bottom of this page. Click on the download button and get the ROM.

The downloading process will soon start automatically after the click has been made. If you encounter any problems, then feel free to let us know.

How to Play Pokemon Fire Red USA Edition On PC And Mobile?

If you want to play the game on a PC or Mobile, then you need to get the Emulator. There are various types of GBA Emulators available, on which you can play any GBA ROM.

The GBA format is not supported on any other Operating System, but the emulators provide any OS to play other OS files.

So, if you get a GBA Emulator on Android or PC, then you can run any GBA ROM on it. So, you don’t need to get the GBA Console to play the game anymore.

How to Add Patch Files With FireRed ROM?

There are multiple types of Improved files available, which needs to be patched using a patcher. So, if you want to enjoy the improved features, then you need to patch them.

For any patch process, you need a Clean FireRed ROM, Improved File, and Patcher. You can find improved editions and patchers on the internet.

But the most common problem is finding a clean ROM. So, if you are also having a problem with finding the clean game, then explore the below.

How to Download Clean Pokemon FireRed ROM?

Most of the available ROMs are patched, which is why finding a clean ROM can be difficult sometimes. Therefore, we are here with the clean game for you all.

You can easily download the clean ROM from this page. Get all relative information from the download section here and get the game.

Main Features

  • Best Edition of Pokemon
  • 151 Pokemon Available
  • Multiple Types of Pocket Monsters
  • Unique and Attractive Story
  • Multiple Items
  • Different Moves and Abilities
  • Simple and Easy to Play
  • Many More


Is it A Clean ROM Without any Unofficial Patches?

Yes, we are here with the Clean FireRed ROM.

Is FireRed USA Edition Playable on Emulator?

Yes, the game is playable on any GBA Emulator.

Can We Add Patch Files?

Yes, It is a clean game, which can be used to patch any file.


The Pokemon FireRed 1.0 ROM is the base ROM, which anyone should play to understand the game completely. So, if you want to get the 1.0 game, then access the download section below.

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