Pokemon Fire Red Extended ROM Download [v1.5A] 2023 GBA

Pokemon Fire Red Extended ROM Download [v1.5A] 2023 GBA
Full Name Pokemon Fire Red Extended
Console GameBoy Advance
Publisher Game Freak
Developer DjTarma
Region Global
Genre Role Playing
File size 14.7 MB
Released February 26, 2022
Downloads 7429
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Back with another amazing modified edition of FireRed for Poke-lovers. The ROM hack provides the largest collection of Poke-Monsters. Get Pokemon Fire Red Extended ROM to have the experience of altered features. 

Playing enhanced GBA games is quite a popular hobby. Pokemon ROMs are always famous among young gamers. Therefore, get information about a unique fan-based ROM Hack. Explore complete information about the game.

What is Pokemon Fire Red Extended ROM?

Pokemon Fire Red Extended ROM is a GBA Modified ROM. The GBA hack is the improved edition of FireRed. Get multiple altered features in the fan-based enhanced ROM. More creatures, Evolutions, Moves, and additional alterations are available.

At the initiation of the Pokémon games, there are limited monsters were introduced. But with time it has improved for gamers. So currently, the ninth gen is about to be introduced. But currently, Eighth gen is available in the latest released Poke Games.

A common problem is finding the latest Gen Poke-Creatures in GBA ROMs. Because most of the GBA editions has third-gen monsters. The rest of the Gens are introduced after these editions.

There are also multiple types of improved versions of the game introduced such as Pokemon Red Everywhere Sylingg ROM. But there are limited improvements have been made in the gameplay.

The Pokemon Fire Red Extended Game is the newest GBA Hack. The ROM Hack provides the best alterations in GBA. Trainers have new gameplay experience with eighth gen monsters and other alterations.

The latest GBA mod offers the best collections of changes. There are different modifications made to have better gameplay. Therefore, Here Poke-Fans can get complete details about the GameBA altered edition.


The best improvements in this altered edition have been made in Pokémon numbers. Here gamers will get all popular and powerful Poke creatures from Gen one to eight.

In the altered ROM, you can find some of the largest collections of monsters. Hence, trainers can easily catch legendary monsters. Therefore, start exploring the wild in-game to find various Pokect monsters. Complete the Pokémon Encyclopedia and discover all creatures.


Evolution is quite a popular feature in Poke games. So, the mod offers evolution services for players. Here you will get three different stages of evolution. Every Pokémon have different levels according to stats of monsters.

Most Pokemon have three evolutions. But Not all,  the monsters have three different forms and evolutions. Gamers can easily find Pokémon with three, two, single, and no evolution. 

We will share a list of Pokemon and revolutions according to their levels. Thus, gamers can get information from the list. Find all information below about pokemon evolutions.

Evolutions List

Gen 1

NameLevel 20Level 40
Bulbasaur Ivysaur Venusaur
Chamander Chameleon Charizard
Squirtle Wartortle Blastoise
Pidgey Pidgeotto Pidgeot
Spearow Fearow
Oddish Gloom 
Kabuto Kabutops

Gen 2

NameLevel 20Level 40
Chikorita Bayleef Meganium
Cyndaquil Quilava Typhlosion 
Todoile Croconaw Feraligatr
Topegi Togetic 
Mareep Flaaffy Ampharos
Hoppip Skiploom Jumpluff
Slugma Magcargo
Azurill Azumarill

Gen 3

NameLevel 20Level 40
TreeckoGrovyle Sceptile
TorchicCombusken Blaziken
Poochyena Mightyena
Zigzagoon Linoone Obstagoon
Nincada Ninjask 
Wailmer Wailord
Snorunt Glalie 
Anorith Armaldo

Gen 4

NameLevel 20Level 40
Turtwig Grotle Torterra
Bidoof Bibarel
Cranidos Rampardos
Shieldon Bastiodon
Glameow Purugly
Skorupi Drapion

Gen 5

NameLevel 20Level 40
Vullaby Mandibuzz

Gen 6

NameLevel 20Level 40
Binacle Barbaracle
Noibat Noivern

Gen 7

NameLevel 20Level 40
Cosmog Cosmoem 
Mareanie Toxapex

Gen 8

NameLevel 20Level 40

In the list, gamers will find all information about the evolutions of hacks. These are some of the popular available alterations of the edition. Hence, players can get additional improvements of GBA below.


Having super-effective attacks and defensive moves is important. Therefore, multiple changes have been also made in the moves. Find powerful attacks to enjoy the battle. No more limitations of powerful battle move in this edition.


Most of the pokemon games have the same storyline. Therefore, this ROM hack gets a new and unique storyline. Basic story is the same as the original. But there are improvements made in the gameplay. 

Pokemon Fire Red Extended Download and start exploring more changes. Gamers can have completely unique gameplay with modified features. Download the GBA ROM hack and start accessing all alterations.

Screenshots of ROM

How to Download Pokémon Fire Red Extended ROM?

Most of the pokemon games have the same storyline. Therefore, this ROM hack gets a new and unique storyline. Basic story is the same as the original. But there are improvements made in the gameplay. 

Pokemon Fire Red Extended Download and start exploring more changes. Gamers can have completely unique gameplay with modified features. Download the GBA ROM hack and start accessing all alterations.

Main Features

  • New FireRed Edition
  • Gen 1 To 8 Pokémon
  • Additional Evolutions
  • Simple and Easy to Play
  • Changes in Storylines
  • More Moves Available
  • Interface is User-friendly
  • Much More


Can We Get All Pokemon in Extended Edition?

Yes, here you will get some of the largest numbers of pokemon.

All Pokemon Has Three Evolutions?

No, not all Pokemon have three evolutions.

Can We Play the Extended Version on Emulator?

Yes, you can play the ROM on any GBA Emulator.


With the latest Pokemon Fire Red Extended ROM, gamers can experience new gameplay of the FireRed game. Download the patched ROM game from this page and enjoy gaming.

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