Pokemon Clover ROM Download [1.3 GBA Pre-Patched]

Pokemon Clover ROM Download [1.3 GBA Pre-Patched]
Full Name Pokemon Clover
Console GameBoy Advance
Publisher Game Freak
Developer 4chan’s /vp/
Region Global
Genre Role Playing
File size 9.21 MB
Released December 2, 2022
Downloads 13100
Download now

Pokemon Clover ROM‘ is a mod GBA ROM. In this ROM, find modified game regions, monsters, characters, battle systems, and much more. Additionally, this GBA hack offers multiple modifications to the official game. Hence, download and play this exciting GBA Hack to enjoy modified gameplay.

ROM games are popular among Pokemon players. Because there are multiple games available for monster trainers. But, players search for modified ROMs. Thus, this page is all about a unique modified game. Hence, stay to learn about this exciting Pokemon edition.

What is Pokemon Clover ROM?

“Pokemon Clover ROM” is a GBA ROM Hack. This ROM is the improved version of Pokémon FireRed. In this low-gen GBA, get higher-generation features and have fun gameplay. Thus, trainers will get a new story, region, more monsters, and much more modifications. Hence, trainers will enjoy playing this altered Pokemon GBA.

Pokemon FireRed altered ROMs are quite popular on the internet. Because these editions provide modifications to the existing official editions. Therefore, ROMSFORGBA.COM provides multiple altered editions such as Pokemon Fire Red Hardcore Challenge. However, this page is about the latest modified edition. Hence, stay to learn about this edition.

Most GBA ROMs provide limited modifications in the games. Therefore, playing such editions is boring for players. However, this website offers multiple editions with unique modifications. Hence, players will get a unique game here.

Pokemon Clover GBA is the latest available modified GBA game. This exciting edition offers countless modifications. Therefore, playing this exciting game will be more exciting for players. Hence, stay on this page to learn about all available add modifications.


In this ROM hack, players will experience the official gameplay. Therefore, players will experience official gameplay taste with alterations. Additionally, this exciting ROM offers unofficial side-quests. Thus, playing this ROM will also provide unofficial missions. Hence, get a combination of multiple official and unofficial quests.


Kanto is the official region of the FireRed. Although, the same region is available on this modified ROM. But, there are multiple modifications have been made in the region. Thus, monster trainers will get a completely altered region with endless modifications. Hence, players will have fun exploring this region.

  • Deserts
  • Fields
  • Oceans
  • Mountains
  • Many More

In this new region, multiple locations are newly added. Although, exploring such locations will be fun. But, these locations also offer special quests. Thus, access these locations to unlock available quests. Hence, explore this region completely to activate all quests.


Pokemon game hacks are incomplete without modification. Because the official version only offers 152 monsters. Therefore, this mod offers modifications to the pocket monsters. So, players will get 386 pocket monsters in this modified game. Hence, playing this edition will be fun and exciting for monster trainers.

Fakemon are most usually added in ROM hacks. However, this ROM offers a special collection of Fakemon. Although, there are differnet designers who introduced Fakemon. But, this edition offers the Fakemon collection developed by /VIP/. Hence, players will get unique monsters in the gameplay.

Battle Engines

The battle engine of Pokemon is improved with each generation. However, FireRed only supports 3rd generation battle engine. Therefore, this modified edition provides a higher-generation engine. So, players will get 7th and 8th-generation engines. Hence, battle with higher-gen gameplay.

Pokemon Clover Download to play this exciting modified edition. Although, details of ROMs are provided on this page. But, the right way to explore features is to download and play. Hence, download and play this exciting game to explore all available features.

Screenshots of Game

How to Download Pokémon Clover GBA ROM?

This website provides the fastest ROM downloading system. Thus, searching for ROM hacks on the internet is no longer needed. Simply, find the download ROM button on this page and click on it. Downloading of ROM hack will soon start automatically.

The patching process of GBA hacks is compulsory. However, this process requires multiple files. Therefore, this website offers pre-patched hacks. So, no need to go through the GBA patching process anymore. Hence, download the patched GBA and start playing easily.

Main Features

  • Latest FireRed GBA Hack
  • Newly Added Theme
  • Full Size Two Regions
  • 386 Pokémon Added
  • Battle Engine From Gen 7 And 8
  • Custom Battlegrounds Added
  • More Custom Poke Balls Added
  • Upgraded Tiles
  • Advance graphics
  • Newly Added Starters
  • Multiple Side Quests And Events Added
  • Many More


How to Patch Pokémon Clover GBA?

Use a GBA Patcher to patch the file, but we have a Pre-Patched GBA for you all.

How to Download Pre-Patched Pokémon Clover GBA?

Get the Pre-Patched GBA from the Download section.

Can We Play Pokémon Clover GBA On Mobile?

Yes, but use a GBA Emulator Mobile and play the game.


Pokemon Clover ROM allows players to experience modifications in the FireRed. In this edition, get a combination of official and unofficial modifications. Hence, players will experience unique alterations. Additionally, more similar Pokemon hacks can be found on this website. Hence, follow to learn more.

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